Letters from key collaborating or participating organizations/individuals

Letters should clearly indicate commitment to participation in the proposed project and the form that the participation will take.

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Mbomba Nseu Bekeli, Prof., Dr.
Kinshasa University, Faculty of Science


Dennis Ramdahin,
The Bihar Project, Vihara Foundation
Kolkata, India


Akira Onishi, Prof. Dr.
Professor Emeritus, Soka University
Director, Centre for Global Modeling

Dr Dorien DeTombe
Chair International Research Society on Methodology Societal Complexity

Natalia V. Baranova
Executive director of the project "Big Novosibirsk"
Institute of City Development

Veniamin Livshits Ph.D., Dr. Sci.,
Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Tatiana Novikova, Ph.D., Dr. Sci.
Novosibirsk State University

Sergei Souspitsyn, Ph.D., Dr. Sci.
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering
Russian Academy of Sciences

Viktor I. Suslov, Ph.D., Dr. Sci.
Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering
Russian Academy of Sciences


Dr. Hermogene Nsengimana
Vice Dean in charge of Research, Consultancy & Postgraduate Studies
National University of Rwanda


Yaman Barlas, Ph.D.
Professor, Industrial Engineering Dept.
Bogazici University

Prof. Dr. Ali Yazici
TOBB University of Economics and Technology


Hans Rudolf Heren, Ph.D.
Millennium Institute

Ralph Coolidge Huntsinger, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Computer Science
Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
Founder and Emeritus Director, the International McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences (MISS)
California State University, Chico